Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Sneha Fall In Love With Prakashraj


From the kollywood gossips It is known that Prakash Raj had bought the rights to remake the 2011 Malayalam romantic comedy Salt N’ Pepper, a film set against the backdrop of food. We have now learnt that he will be making it in three languages — Tamil, Telugu and Kannada. It’s a love story between two generations and is about the loneliness that comes from the need for a companion. It celebrates romance and food and will have the talented actor himself playing the lead role.

The film, titled Un Samayal Arayil in Tamil and Ulavacharu Biryani in Telugu, will have homely beauty Sneha as the lead actress in both versions. The casting and title for the Kannada version is yet to be finalized.

Tags: Ulavacharu Biryani posters, Ulavacharu Biryani wallpapers, Ulavacharu Biryani latest news,Prakashraj and sneha romance, Ulavacharu Biryani release date, Ulavacharu Biryani teaser

One Response so far.

  1. Very Nice MOvie

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